Yulia Nevskaya (b.1986) is a documentary photographer, storyteller, and photojournalist based in Moscow. She is a member of the All-Russian Union of journalists, of the All-Russian Geographic Society and International organisation Women Photograph.
Despite the fact that Yulia was born in Crimea and spent most of her life in Moscow, many of her long-term projects are connected with the Northern territories of Russia. In her projects, she explores the theme of life in remote areas, belief systems, and the preservation of cultural heritage. She also works on projects on social issues related to the formation of associations of people. Yulia uses the skills of a photographer, videographer, and journalist to work on a topic.
For the past year, Yulia has been working on a project that explores the social response to garbage problems in Russia and the facts of illegal actions of the government. Also, she works on assignments on acute socials topics.
Russian Reporter, Kommersant Ogoniok, National Geographic (Rus), Takie Dela, Lenta.ru, Vecherniya Moskva, Regnum, The World, Decoder (Gr), The Eye of Photography (Fr), Liberation (Fr), Reporterre (Fr), L’Echo (Belg), Mediapart (Fr), LeFigaro (Fr), Equal Times (Belg), Sciences Et Avenir (Fr), China Newsweek, Le Temps (Switz), Equal Times (Belg), Sciences Et Avenir (Fr), China Newsweek, Der Spiegel (Gr), NRC (Netherlands), Volkskrank (Netherlands), Millennium (It), La Via Libera (It).
Selected works:
Photocontests and exhibitions:
“Best of Russian Photos”, Moscow 2010
“The patchwork”, Gogolevskiy boulevard gallery, Moscow 2018
“Absence”, space Millepiani, Rome 2018
“Without barriers”, shortlist, Moscow 2018
“Young photographers of Russia 2020”, shortlist
Nat Geo contest “Russia you have never seen” 2021, finalist
“Young photographers of Russia 2021”, special mention of jury
Scholarship of Russian union of photo artists, 2021
AAP Magazine contest, TRAVEL#20, 1st place winner, 2021
Analog Forever Magazine contest “Photographic Mysticism”, shortlist, 2021
ND Awards, Architecture, honorable mention, 2021
All-Russian Union of photo artists contest “The unity”, shortlist, 2021
Budapest Photography awards, 1st place winner in “People” category, 2021
“Argus 2021. Photography among arts”, photokontest and exibition, finalist, Russia
Art of Building 2021, finalist
News photography awards 2021, finalist
Scholarship of Russian union of photo artists, 2022
“Feeling of Home”, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, participation in the exhibition, Moscow 2022
“I live in Russia”, the Hermitage Museum, participation in the exhibition, special mention of the jury, St. Petersburg 2022
Beirut Image Festival, participation in the exhibition, Beirut 2022
OYAKO Matsuri Exhibition, participation in the exhibition, Tokyo 2022
Participation as a speaker and teaching activity
Invited lecturer of the Russian Geographical Society,
Invited lecturer of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism
Youth Forum in Khanty-Mansiysk 2020, lecturer of the block " Journalism”
Author of the course " Algorithms for creating documentary photo stories”